William Doyle

Software Engineer

William Doyle

Hello! my name is William Doyle, I graduated from Worcester Polytechnic Insititute with a bachelor's in computer science. I have strong interest in machine learning, systems level programming, and backend software development.


Software Enigneer Intern



Memory Allocator

Custom Memory Allocator in C++

Built a custom memory allocator class in C++ using the windows memory api and implemented a malloc(), free(), and multiple memory allocation strategies. Additionally, I have a series of benchmarks to measure different strategies performance on time for allocation and deallocation, and fragmentation

Mositure Sensor

ESP32 Wireless Moisture Sensor

This projects used an ESP32 microcontroller to monitor moisture levels in realtime and displays the live feed to a website for easy access. The sensor collects data in intervals and transmits it wirelessly to a realtime database on Google firebase. The data is then fetched by a seperate website hosted on github pages to display the live data. This allows for easier monitoring of the plants.

Potential future plans would involve using a timeseries database to store intervals of sensor data over a series of time that could then be used for analysis later on.

Live Data Website
Project 1

Financial Literacy and Budgeting App

This project was for my major capstone in which me and another person, in 7 weeks, had to build a financial Literacy and budgeting app for a company sponsor through WPI.

The application had a host of features including: secure authentication using proper salt and pepper hashing, a page for tracking budgets among different categories, connecting to the user bank account using the stripe api and allowing all e-transactions to be sorted into there appropriate user budget category, detailed spending analysis on each budget category, a chat bot using OpenAI API that was pre prompted on user financial data so that it was able to provided personalized financial advice to the user and more.

Unfortunately due to the app being the property of the company, the repository for the project is private.

Project 2

Blood MNIST CNN Classifier Transfer Learning Model


Project 3

Acadia Sound Analysis Project
